Mechatronic Show

Stage Machinery Control System

for theaters and other entertainment venues

Integrated Stage Machinery Control System "Roboline Mechatronic Show" makes it easy to program the movement of stage mechanisms and to automatically conduct a performance in synchronization with music, light and stage effects. The system can be configured for different types of stage machinery (upper and lower stage mechanics, any built-in mechanisms of scenery, including wireless-controlled) and it executes programs of any complexity. Number of connected mechanisms can be easily increased due to the modular structure of the system. User-friendly interface for manual and semi-automatic control extends the possible use of the complex.

The components of the SIMATIC automation system (Siemens) are extensively used in the "Mechatronic Show" control system. Sensors for mechanisms position feedback — are absolute encoders (single-turn and multi-turn) and various discrete sensors.

The system can be easily integrated into any existing or developed stage machinery complex of theaters, concert halls, and other entertainment venues.

Mechanisms motion programming and operating principles

Start, acceleration, braking and stopping can be initiated:
  • by signals on a sync fieldbus
  • by an event in the program
  • by its own position or position of another mechanism
  • along a predetermined path
  • by time
  • by the number of revolutions of a mechanism or the number of other events
  • by sensors
  • by an operator command
  • DMX
  • MIDI Time Code
  • MIDI marks (notes)
The main programming interface — the timeline with a specially designed visual programming language.


Proactive request to a stage operator to allow the automatic start of a movement sequence, check the presence of a stage operator in the workplace, the red zone for each mechanism, the red collision zone to the relative position of the mechanisms, monitoring the actual movements and machine speed, manual emergency stop, automatic emergency stop, any alarm sensors, depending on the specific arrangements, the programmable algorithm for dealing with emergency situations.

The Moscow Theater “Aivengo” has become the first customer of the “Roboline Mechatronic Show” system. Here in December 2015 the premiere of the daily musical show "The Ballad of the little heart" took place.